The human body naturally produces certain molecules (lipids) similar to those that are found in the cannabis plant. These compounds in humans and animals are known as endocannabinoids and they have a variety of functions. Consuming CBD edibles is as good as supplementing your own endocannabinoids in the body with a plant based version of it. 

The active compounds found in cannabis are the phytocannabinoids. Phyto refers to plants and primary psychoactive cannabinoid derived from cannabis is THC. Compounds like CBD can regulate the levels of endocannabinoids present and circulating in your system. Endocannabinoids engage with a larger signalling network in the body referred to as the ECS (endocannabinoid system). Cannabinoid receptors are spread throughout the immune system and are mostly concentrated in the brain and spinal cord. There are two primary endocannabinoids known as AEA and 2-AG. The latter is the most common form of endocannabinoid and is thought to play a vital role in immunity, appetite, pain, immunity and mood. The ECS has numerous functions and broadly known to lend support to the following body functions:
  •  Movement
  •  Immune function
  •  Mood regulation
  •  Sleep
  •  Memory
  •  Appetite
  •  Bone metabolism
  •  Pain
  •  Pleasure
  •  Reproduction
When the body’s endocannabinoid does not function properly, CBD derived from natural plant based sources can help in restoring homeostasis. Hemp derived CBD oil products can work as a great supplement for supporting your health in such conditions. Like a supplement CBD nourishes the ECS by enhancing the endocannabinoid tone in the body. Cannabis can temporarily act as supplements to provide relief to or address an endocannabinoid deficiency experienced by the body. While adopting a healthy lifestyle can boost your natural endocannabinoids, you can buy CBD candy, sour gummies, froggies or other edibles of your choice to supplement the existing endocannabinoids. Some routine interventions that can help promote a healthy ECS are exercise, adopting a healthy diet and good sleep. You can also procure hemp oil infused products as an affordable alternative. These are conveniently available in pharmacies, wellness stores and are sold as safe and legal CBD products. CBD oil suppliers distribute a host of CBD products such as CBD sprays, topicals, powder, capsules, tinctures and many more that can be integrated into your everyday life for overall wellbeing. The sprays, vape oil and other products come in their original form and are also available in various flavours to suit your preference.
