5 Major Benefits of CBD Oil for Dogs

It is estimated that there are more than 75 million pet dogs in approximately 45 million American households. Western Europe is home to more than 43 million and Canada has 6 million dogs. A dog is indeed a man’s best friend. When cannabidiol (CBD) was discovered way back in the 1970s, the numerous benefits the substance had on the human body excited researchers, scientists and medical practitioners. More research followed and clinical trials conducted on man’s best friend proved that CBD oil for dogs was as effective and beneficial as it is on humans.

Pets should be taken good care of. They deserve to be entertained, fed well, treated and guaranteed of the best health possible. It is not always an easy thing to do, but you have to pay close attention to your dog or cat as you do to your children. Cannabis plants contain two primary chemical substances; the psychoactive Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) which is THC-free. The global acceptance of CBD products such as CBD gummies for sale is informed by the fact that these products are rich and offer users a wide range of therapeutic benefits. Treating your dog occasionally to these products will go a long way in securing its overall well-being and great health. Here are the top five main benefits of CBD products to dogs

  • Anxiety Remedy

Anxiety disorders are common disorders that affect millions of people worldwide. In fact, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 40 million American adults aged 18 and above some from some form of anxiety disorder. It is easier for humans to openly share their emotions and feelings and therefore seek the right remedies available. This is not the case with dogs. Severe cases of anxiety in dogs can affect their behavior and even make them aggressive. CBD oil for dogs can be a sure remedy to depressed dogs as it contains calming effect.

  • Pain Relief

There are different accidents and complications that can be painful for the body. Dogs are susceptible to similar challenges such as cancer, arthritis or injuries. The pain can be too much for the dog to bear and that is why strong painkillers come in handy. In as much as there are some pharmaceutical products that can help relieve such pain, CBD gummies for sale can complement any other pain relievers administered. CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which makes it ideal for treatment of joints and inflamed cells leading to chronic pain.

  • Therapy for Seizures

Seizures can be caused by various conditions such as epilepsy. The main challenge with such conditions is that they occur randomly with very minor triggers. Without timely attention, they can result in serious injuries or even fatalities. Studies and clinical trials have shown that CBD is effective in mitigating and reducing the frequency of seizure occurrences. This is one of the main reasons why CBD edibles and other products are legal in all the 50 states of the United States; the only difference from one state to another has been the concentration of CBD and THC. With guaranteed remedy, you can have some peace of mind, clearly aware that you have remedy to seizures whenever they affect your dog.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Agent

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can help protect the body from cancer. At the same time, the CBD oil effects on these are capable of killing existing cancerous cells. This is realized when the cells are blocked from generating requisite energy for survival. The anti-tumor characteristics of CBD also inhibit or derail the growth of glioma cells. While the use of conventional cancer treatment is the surest way to tackle this disease, using CBD products can go a long way in helping your dog fight the disease.

  • CBD for Digestion

The digestive system is relatively delicate in nature. There are numerous disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Another major CBD oil effects on dogs is the treatment of this disorder, especially because of its ability to mitigate chronic inflammation. This is realized through the activation of the cannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract. Inflammation in intestinal walls mostly results in stomach irritation, severe pain and failure by the system to absorb requisite nutrients. Proper dietary practices such as taking enough water after every meal coupled with the right quantity of CBD can greatly help fix this problem.

  • Conclusion

CBD is not psychoactive as it doesn’t contain THC. This means that your dog’s health will be taken care of without having it get high. CBD oil for dogs can therefore go a long way in relieving pain, fixing indigestion problems, mitigate anxiety and depression, help manage and treat cancer and even seizures. Note that this list of benefits is not conclusive as there are many other benefits that can be derived from CBD. 
