What is CBD Terpenes?
Oils of almost all the plants consist of aromatic metabolites known as Terpenes or Terpenoids. Out of more than 20,000 terpenes in existence, nearly 100 are produced by Cannabis plant alone. Terpenoids produce and grow over time in plants to attract pollinators acting as defense compounds. Female cannabis plants produce small hair-like structures that protrude from flowers and leaves known as Glandular Trichomes. They possess crucial compounds including cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. Several factors influence a plant’s development of terpenes, including weather, climate, age, maturation, fertilizers, soil type etc.
A perfect quality of cannabis with strong distinct flavors and colors is a result of careful handling of the plant whereby the trichomes remain intact in cannabis plants. For humans, terpenes function as a natural mentor to know which of the strains of cannabis our endocannabinoid system is more likely to relish and earn maximum benefit from. Production of terpene is largely administered by external factors such as humidity, light intensity and temperature these factors are incorporated in response to stress. This is why the licensed producers of medical cannabis emphasis on balancing the growing conditions for their medical strains.
Terpenes v/s Terpenoids
Each and every CBD terps is associated with exclusive effects. Some induce stress-relief and relaxation, while others elevate focus and acuity. For example, Linalool is believed to be relaxing whereas limonene is responsible for elevating mood. Terpenes can be treated as the natural forms of terpenoids that transform by drying and curing the cannabis flower. Perfumes, essential oils, and spices can be made with the help of aromatic qualities of Terpenoids. Intensive researches are carried out indicating that terpenoids have a significant role in the medicinal effects of cannabinoids.
Types of Terpenes and where to find it?
1) Alpha-Pinene
Pinene is usually found in Pine needles, rosemary, basil, parsley, and dill. Its potential effects include improvement of airflow to your lungs, promote alertness and counter short-term memory loss caused by THC.
2) Myrcene
Myrcene is a CBD terps found in lemongrass, mangoes, thyme, hops and basil, known as one of the most commonly found terpene in cannabis. Its aroma is recognized as cardamom, cloves, musky, earthy and herbal. It has a lot of potential medical benefits including curing insomnia, pain, and inflammation.
3) Limonene
Limonene is more likely to be found in your favorite perfumes or sanitation products because of its’ citrusy scent. It’s been shown to relieve stress, elevate mood and has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Limonene smells like mandarins, lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruits. It is known to effectively treat depression, anxiety, pain, inflammation, and cancer.
4) Linalool
Linalool has potential effects of enhancing the mood and sedation due to its floral aroma. It is broadly known to reduce stress, and have anti-depressant, and anti-inflammatory effects.
The linalool terpene regulates the anxious side effects of THC, which makes it a convenient treatment of both psychosis and anxiety.
5) Humulene
This terpene CBD oil is mainly found in coriander, hops, cloves and basil. It’s popular for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to control appetite.
6) Caryophyllene
It is mainly found in cloves, black pepper, and cinnamon with a woody and spicy aroma.
Caryophyllene has several potential medical benefits including treatment of pain, anxiety/depression, ulcers, and stress.
7) Ocimene
It is mainly found in parsley, mint, basil, pepper, orchids, mangoes, orchids, and kumquats. Its potential medical benefits include combating anti-fungal, antiviral, antiseptic, decongestant and antibacterial infections.
8) Terpinolene
Terpinolene is mainly found in tea tree, nutmeg, apples, cumin, and lilacs. It’s known to depress your central nervous system, and therefore cause drowsiness and reduce excitement or anxiety.
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